I usually meditate on my own, but I also love meditating together with others, and here’s why:
I feel much more motivated when I know I’m not the only one working hard to cultivate the mind, in order to live more healthily and wisely.
The collective energy of a group meditation supports me in going deeper into my practice.
The feeling of being with others in stillness and silence offers new meaning to “socialising” in an urban environment, and redefines my perspectives on social health.
Sitting with other people reminds me of how interconnected we all are with one another, and that I am never alone.
This week, I invite you to consider how your meditation can be about practicing with others:
First, let’s imagine a world that sits together.
Next, explore finding yourself an accountability partner.
Also, know that each time you meditate, you are not only practicing for yourself.
And, join the Take A Pause community.
Sit with practitioners from all over the world. Sundays, 9 pm Singapore time, on Insight Timer.