Hi, I'm Erin.

I have devoted the rest of my life to advocating mindfulness as a way of life. ​And I'd like to share with you why.


Before mindfulness, I never knew how to take care of myself.

I spent almost a decade dabbling in corporate work.

I worked very hard, but never understood why I was doing it. 

I constantly burned out, fell sick every few weeks, and took forever to recover each time. 

I lived carelessly, and indulged in self-destructive behaviours.

At the brink of a breakdown


​A friend encouraged me to try "one of those meditation retreats".

So I googled "meditation retreat near me", and checked myself into a camp in Taiwan.

I surrendered my phone, and for ten days I only meditated, slept and ate the bare minimum.

Most of the time was spent in stillness. All the time I was silent.

Ten days later, I emerged from the cave feeling renewed.

I thought my life had completely transformed. 


​I could not have been more wrong.
That very night I went to a bar and got myself drunk.

That very week I reverted to old habits and patterns.

That very month I became tired and unhappy again.

It took me some time to get it.


​There is no quick fix to being well. 

It's a lifelong commitment.

We fall back onto old paths because we forget.

We get comfortable with pain that feels familiar, even when it doesn't serve us.

We need to check in with ourselves more often.

We need to constantly remind ourselves to be well, and do our best to stay well.

So here I am today.


I am work in progress.

I do my best to share what I know, and teach what I practice.

And I hope every one of us has the chance to learn to live more simply, healthily, and wisely.

​May we all shine with happiness.

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Inspiring mindfulness as a way of life


Mindfulness & Wellbeing Coach, Curator of Niàn Life, Dharma Student & Practitioner